Curt Bartholomew

Curt Bartholomew

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Skydive Sebastian
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"I love skydiving because of the challenge and freedom of pushing your mind, body and parachute to their limits and turning dreams into reality."

About Me

I am a career skydiver with a Bachelors Degree in Aeronautics from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. I'm originally from Pennsylvania but now live in Florida. I am the co-founder and co-owner of The Alter Ego Project with my wife Jeannie. We are both professional competitive canopy pilots as well as professional canopy coach piloting coaches. My wife and I also run the United States Canopy Piloting Association league. It is the largest swoop league in the world and has been for over 20 years. Through the league, we have opportunities to nurture and grow newer competitors. We also run Alter Ego Adventures with our business partner Tim Parrant. AEA is an boogie company that allows skydivers to jump in exotic locations, while also focusing on experiencing the local cultures and travel experience on the ground.


  • Nine Time World Champion
  • Twelve Time National Champion
  • Founder of Team Alter Ego
  • Founder of The Alter Ego Project
  • Canopy Piloting Triple Crown Title Holder
  • 107 Canopy Piloting Competition Wins (end of 2024 Season)

Our Instructors

Krāv instructors aren't just good, they're the best. Our instructors have coached thousands of students to become great flyers and incredible canopy pilots. It's time to learn from the best.

What our students say about us

Join 1000's of skydivers who are becoming truly great flyers and canopy pilots. You will become a better flyer and safer skydiver.

Krāv Skydiving Courses

Even though it starts with basics it's super informative and amazing how many details come up with gear and such that have a huge impact on success. It was a good idea to streamline this info with professionals like yourselves for people in the sport around the globe.

Adam P.

Krāv Skydiving Courses

I'm gonna run through all the videos and try to get people to head there and watch them.

Troy N.
Houston, Texas

Krāv Skydiving Courses

This canopy course should be a B License requirement.


Krāv Skydiving Courses

Top marks!!! Great tactical information.

Ubiraci P.
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Krāv Skydiving Courses

Hi Inka I want to take the time to thank you for all your experience and knowledge. I’ve recently just started your bodywork course as I have recently just started coaching to be flying angles. this morning was my first solid stable angle exit out of 15 coaching jumps, All from using your hip alignment techniques help me along way. I can’t wait to see what improvements are coming next after I start the workouts.. Great course highly recommended!! 🤟🏼

Jack H.

Krāv Skydiving Courses

I'm loving this course! Inka goes really in depth in how our body posture plays such an important aspect in our performance when we are flying. This course can be really useful and insightful to any kind of skydiver, from beginners to experienced flyers.

Antonio S.

Krāv Skydiving Courses

Very detailed and thorough information. Excellent delivery of subject matter. Learned a great amount of useful and interesting knowledge.

Steve K.
Ontario, Canada

Krāv Skydiving Courses

Really help to improve mobility for flying position and not only also for my daily basis! Thanks a lot Inka for this amazing courses :-)

Nabil M.

Krāv Skydiving Courses

Really good intro to the basics of canopypiloting! Also good for anybody who want to know more to land safely! Thx for that awesome online course.

Michael H.

Krāv Skydiving Courses

Great info to cover most aspect of camera flying from beginner. Tip & Trick that should enable to to use for future.

Chalam T.

Krāv Skydiving Courses

This course does and excellent job covering the fundamentals of wingsuiting. It will make you better prepared for your first flight course, and hit topics your instructor may unintentionally miss. The course will also refresh/reinforce concepts for experienced wingsuit pilots.

Aaron S.

Krāv Skydiving Courses

This should be required for anyone interested in flying a wingsuit. Great information from some of the most knowledgeable people in wingsuit aviation.

Bill M.

Krāv Skydiving Courses

"It is hard to find someone to get you to that next level. Unless you have a lot of money it's really, really difficult to better yourself at the rate we all want to better ourselves. This is something that has been a long time coming in the skydiving world that people have wanted and it's finally being done and it's being done the right way."

Michael R.
Austin, TX

Krāv Skydiving Courses

"This course is a MUST for newer jumpers and should be a constant refresher in drop zones around the world. Amazing insights and guidance by an absolute legend"

Cuautla, Mexico

Krāv Skydiving Courses

"I just finished the canopy course and I learned a ton! You basically covered everything from novice to expert aside from the mechanics of a swoop turn itself which is too variable to streamline. Great stuff, nice job!"

Eloy, AZ

Trusted by skydivers all around the world that want to get better.